February 23, 2025

2010 Fee Structure

Please be advised of the following fee structure and associated costs effective January 1, 2010.


JMMC Membership: $3,700.00


Competition Licenses:

Provisional:                             $3,500.00

National:                                $4,500.00

International ‘C’ Seed:                        $6,800.00

Kid Kart:                                  $2,000.00

JKA Junior:                              $2,500.00

JKA Senior Provisional:           $3,500.00

One day license:                     $650.00

License reprint                 $500.00


§  JKA Kid, JKA Junior & JKA Senior Provisional license are valid for Karting ONLY.

§  A JMMC Provisional license is valid for Drivers in Dexterities and Sprints only and Rookie drivers in Circuit can only complete their first year on a JMMC Provisional license.

§  A JMMC National license is the minimum license requirement for all Drivers in Sprints, Rallies & Circuit events except in the case of a Rookie as above. To be considered eligible to drive in Rallies a competitor must have safely and successfully completed 3 Speed events (A Dexterity is not a speed event)


Event Sanction fee:

Karting, Drags, Circuit, Sprints, Rallies:          $25,000.00

Dexterities:                                                      $15,000.00


Event Entry fees:

Dexterities:                  $1,500.00

Sprints:                        $3,000.00

Local Rallies:               $10,000.00 (this doesn’t apply to Rally Jamaica)


Insurance for events may be subject to change based on requirements from Insurers however for the moment the fees are as follows:

Dexterities & Sprints: $12,500.00 + GCT

Local Rallies:               $1,500.00 + GCT per competitor

Drag Events:                $40,000.00 + GCT


Timing Equipment rental:

TIMER AC4 (ONLY): $6,000.00