February 23, 2025

JKA 2012

Race Meet #


The meet is sanctioned under the present code (which refers to the FIA CIK,) and present regulations of the JMMC and rules of the JKA. This event is open to all members in good standing with the JKA and its affiliate clubs.

PERMIT# JMK2012-30

NAME OF EVENT Race meet # 8

DATE OF EVENT Sunday, October 28, 2012

VENUE Palisadoes International Raceway

START Sunday 9:00 a.m.

SIGN-IN Sunday 8:30 am. Drivers will be given pre scrutineering forms which MUST be submitted to the Scrutineer properly filled in. These will be available at registration located at the Palisadoes Track.


Organiser Neil Williams (383-5344)

Race Director/Clerk of Course Brian Fong Yee (859-1740)

Secretary Heather Eaton (325-6388)

Chief Scrutineer Joel Jackson (384-7461)

Chief Steward Peter Clarke (383-9661)

Stewards Peter Wong (382-7625)

Robert Thelwell. (565-9066)

Chief Starter Wendy Gordon (854-7050)

Chief Scorer Neil Williams (383-5344)

Timing Gina Tomlinson (361-2332)

Grid Marshall Bridget Fong Yee (776-7374)

Pit Marshall Dmitri Dawkins (298-5210)

Ambulance/first aid Gentle Care Ambulance (847-1737)

Doctor Dr. Jacqueline Minott (382-8036)

Marshals Jamaica Marshalling Club

Insurance: Thwaites Finson Sharpe

TECHNICAL INSPECTION Sunday 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. Rotax Engine Passports are to be presented to scrutineer for all Rotax engines. Only engines which have been serviced after April 1, 2008 are to have two (2) seals. All engines are subject to the Port Height Measurement Rule in effect from August 1st, 2008. ***PLEASE NOTE: ENTRY RECEIPT MUST BE PRESENTED TO SCRUTINEER FOR PROOF OF ENTRY BEFORE KARTS CAN BE INSPECTED***

QUALIFYING Qualifying will be done by classes in the order: Comer 50, Comer 80 Novice, Micro-Max, Mini-Max ,Rotax Snr., Rotax Jr, , Rotax Masters, Rotax Super-Masters, Moto & ICC.

Karts that miss their qualifying sessions will not be allowed to qualify & will start at the back in races gridded by qualifying time, or reverse of qualifying time.

DRIVERS’ BRIEFING Sunday October 28, 2012 at 10:15 am.

This meeting is mandatory for the drivers.

Please note that if you have not already done so, all relevant fees (annual fees, new membership fees & JMMC licensing fees) must be paid up before you are allowed to race. Pit space rental must be paid up by this event. If you are a new driver or if you think your picture needs to be updated (as in the case of children), please carry along new pictures when you are applying for your JMMC licenses.

TYPE OF EVENT 4 races per class, 5 classes. 2 Classes may be run simultaneously.

TROPHIES Presented as per JKA rules, presented at end of race meet.

ENTRY FEE $ 6,500 per Rotax class, $ 4,000 for Comer 50 before Race Day.

$ 7,500 per Rotax class, $ 5,000 for Comer 50 on Race Day (late entry)

ENTRIES OPEN Thursday October 25, 2012 from 8:00 am.

ENTRIES CLOSE Entries close at 10:15 am on October 28, 2012Entries will not be accepted beyond this time.

RESULTS Preliminary results will be posted on the container below timing within an hour of the last race.

Official results will be emailed within 24 hours of the end of the Race Meet.

PROTESTS To be lodged with the Race Director or the meet Secretary within 60 min. of the race being protested. This must be in writing and accompanied by a fee of $2,500. Where a technical engine inspection is required an additional fee of $5,000 must be paid for a local Rotax Dealer inspection & US$600.00 for a Rotax US inspection. The loosing party in the protest will be required to pay the protest fee to the JKA. The protestor will be refunded if he is successful. Protests /appeals will be handled as prescribed by JMMC general regulations.

CHAMPIONSHIP First, second and third place champions will be recognised at the end of the series with trophies.



  • A Kart/Competitor having left the pre-grid area of the track may not be assisted by team members. Penalty: Disqualification
  • All parents /Team Members are reminded that in the event of an on track incident, (Accident) the Marshalls and Emergency Medical Team will be directed to deal with the situation. As soon as the situation has been stabilized, the parent/Guardian will be informed as to the Child’s/ Competitor’s status.
  • Crew members and competitors (who are not driving) are not permitted on the track during races including qualifying unless serving in an official capacity (e.g. marshalling) or otherwise authorized by an official. Drivers will be subject to penalties for the actions of their crew and team members.
  • Disrespect and abuse of event officials will result in automatic disqualification and may have further consequences.
  • All drivers must have available a current JMMC/FIA /CIK karting or higher licences. Physical competition licences must be shown at registration as well as scrutineering. Failure to do so may result in exclusion or a fine.
  • All persons entering the pit area must sign the “release and waiver “ forms and wear arm bands provided.
  • The Stewards’ are officials and they will together fulfil the roles of the Protest Committee and Management Committee as needed.
  • Comer 50 will have standing starts.
  • All competitors must have JKA sponsor’s decals displayed on karts and racing suits where these are provided.
  • Racing takes place rain or shine for all classes except Kid Kart. Bridgestone wet tyres (any grade) and Mojo wet are allowed for all classes. Grooved tyres are NOT allowed.


SFI Chest protectors are mandatory in Comer C50, Micromax and Minimax class. The use of shoulder and rib protection is also recommended.  Helmets –minimum SNELL 2005 full face, drivers with 2000 may apply for a waiver for this meet only.

All classes run on cik Mojo D2.

All tyres are to be purchased from the local Rotax representative, Jetcon Corporation.

ALL Competitors will record the serial numbers of their Mojo D2 set of tyres on their scrutineering sheet.

Please note: Rule 5.22.2

In all categories, the heating and cooling of tyres by any method, and remolding or treating the tyres with any chemical substance are forbidden.

Mandated oil:  JKA spec oil – Rotax XPS kart oil
Mandated fuel: Straight 90 octane fuel to be supplied by the club on race day. If for some reason the club is not able to supply this, then E10 90 may be used.  C12 is to be used for Shifter. Fuel will be tested for compliance at the end of each race. 

Most Current Rotax USA Rules apply.

Please note –

a) Coil Wire Length rule- must be a minimum of 210mm

b) New clutch bearing with o ring seal required

c) No oil must be visible on inside of clutch before or after race.

d) Please note dimension requirements for new style clutch

e) New Micromax class please be aware of all rules for this class

f) Minimax class to use blue anodized restrictor; Rotax part 267 535 will be the only restrictor

allowed in the Minimax class.

g) Reminder running surface of clutches must be completely dry –failure to comply will result in



Any effort to change “Breather” function will be a post race technical inspection item.

Violation will result in disqualification from competitive element involved.

To be clear, this prohibits folded hose on breather.

i)  Any attempt to alter configuration of the carburator is strictly prohibited.  This includes the top of the carburator which must be screwed tight.

j) air box – only version two will be accepted.

k) battery – Both Rotax and MX12070 batteries will be accepted.

l)  rear bumper – all karts must be fitted with approved rear bumpers covering at least half of each rear tyre.  Drivers in all classes except Minimax, Micromax and baby karts may apply for a waiver up to April race meet.

m) Any new Rotax rule that has been introduced in the United States will  apply.

– All competitors in the Comer 50cc, Comer 80cc, Rotax Micomax, Minimax and Junior classes

are required to wear a neck brace

– For Rotax Senior & above,  neck brace is optional

– If a competitor looses any part of their safety equipment (eg. neck brace, chest protector, helmet) during a

race, the competitor will be black flagged and removed from the race

– If any part of the safety equipment falls of a kart during a race (eg.  rear bumper, front or side pods),

the competitor will be black flagged and removed from the race

– The competitor will  be deemed to have finished the race at the point of losing the safety equipment

and will be awarded  any points attributed to the position finished

Comer Class Rules-

a) WKA Rules for 50cc class

b) Comer 50cc class uses 86 rear sprocket

c) Karts will be delivered to Scrutineering area without engines

d) Only the authorized JKA technicians will be allowed in the Scrutineering area

e) Karts will  be delivered to the pre-grid by JKA technicians

f) If any work is required on the kart, engines will be removed and kart allowed to be taken from Scrutineering area.

Karts are to be returned in an acceptable amount of time for engines to be re-installed.

Novice 80cc Open Class Rules-

a) class open to rookies only

b) Age 7 – 17 years

c) Weight limit – none

d) Demonstration runs only – non-championship races

Keep up to date with the JKA rules visit www.iriekart.com, click rules