Jamaican Alex Powell had to recover from a poor start in Heat 2 caused by the kart leading his row, dropping him to 7th after Lap 1 at the South Garda 24th Winter Cup in Lonato, Italy.
Driving methodically, Alex battled back to claim the lead on the final lap, crossing the finish line 1st. Heat 3 produced a similar bad start, with the added challenge of being pushed wide off the track twice during the race while trying to move to the front of the field. He eventually secured a 2nd place finish; his combined Heat finishes place him on the front row for his Super Heat tomorrow.
The event continues tomorrow (Sunday) with a Super Heat and Final.
Event results and schedule at https://www.southgardakarting.it/en/calendario/17022019/24-winter-cup-2019
Live timing for the event is available at https://www.apex-timing.com/live-timing/southgardakarting/index.html
Live streaming for the event at https://www.southgardakarting.it/live-streaming
JMMC wish him good luck for a safe and successful event.
Pictured: Upper left – Alex in the Energy kart team pits. Upper right – Jamaican flag flies high at South Garda Karting Circuit. Lower left – Alex leading his second Heat.