March 8, 2025

About Us

The Jamaica Millennium Motoring Club (JMMC) is the regulatory body governing motor sport in Jamaica as appointed by the FIA. The JMMC provides sanctioning for multiple genres of motor sport, namely: Sprints, Drag Racing, Esports, Circuit Racing, Rallies, Karting, Dexterity Tests and Drifting. The JMMC also issues competition licenses and adjudicates all issues, disciplinary or otherwise, relating to motor sport locally.

The current executive comprises of:

Chairman: Stephen Gunter
Vice Chair: Marcia Dawes
Secretary: Wendy Dressekie-Gordon

Dmitri Dawkins
Michael Fennell Jnr.
Neil Williams
Peter Clarke
Rosemarie Jadusingh
Timothy Stewart

ASN Mission Statement

To foster and develop the sport of motor racing in Jamaica as the authorized sanctioning body, approved by the sport’s international governing body, the FIA.

To assist the various disciplines of the sport in their growth, while working with them and government organizations to meet and maintain high international standards.

To expose and promote the sport to new communities by utilizing various locations island wide.

To create and uphold an environment that is safe, enjoyable and rewarding for all motor sports enthusiasts, as drivers showcase their talents and abilities.

To develop the sport and build its fan base, thereby attracting new investment interests.


In the mid 60’s, the “Auto Owners Club” which was formed in 1957, merged with the “Forces Motoring Club”, an organization originally from the British Military, stationed overseas. This club was closely linked with the British based Royal Automobile Club (RAC) who in turn were affiliated with the Federation International de L’Automobile (FIA), the world’s governing body for motor sports.

During the early 70’s this unified club renamed to the Jamaica Motoring Club (JMC) and incorporated in February 1970, became the moving force behind motorsports in Jamaica. The JMC quickly moved to obtain recognition by the FIA, which enabled them to host several International Rallies, attracting World Rally Championship (WRC) class drivers and machinery, with some events boasting as many as eighty entrants.

This high level of competition could only have been achieved through the assistance of market oriented corporate sponsors, who reaped the full benefits of both local and international recognition garnered by the presence of local and international press and advertising/public relations support.

Over the decades, JMC has organized or assisted with circuit racing at Vernamfield and Dover Raceway, in addition to organizing numerous sprints, dexterity tests and various rallies such as BOAC Speed Bird Rallies, Carreras Rallies, Red Stripe Rallies, Goodyear Cross Country Rallies, Esso International Rallies and PETCOM Invitational Rallies.

As Jamaica suffered from various World crisis during the mid 70’s, motorsports declined; the Jamaica Motoring Club strived on however. They were able to host various small rallies and other smaller motoring events. In the mid 80’s as motorsports regained its popularity, there was a renewed effort by the JMC to stage larger and better organized events. To date the JMC has successfully staged several international events which have attracted a high caliber of overseas competitors from countries such as Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago , the United States, Britain, Sweden, Australia and Japan.

The JMC again renewed its affiliation with the FIA in 1996, as an Associate Member. Bestowed as Governing Body for Motorsports in Jamaica , the JMC once again became actively involved in all areas of automobile racing – karting, drag racing, circuit racing, sprints, dexterity tests and rallies.

The name of the Club has since been changed to the Jamaica Millenium Motoring Club effective March 2003.

In 2023 the JMMC was upgraded to Full Member status with the FIA.