February 22, 2025

Attached is the new fee structure as it relates to membership fees, competition licenses and event sanctioning fees.There has been adjustment in fees for some areas not all, as we thrive to keep the increases to a minimum.We apologise in the delay in putting this information out.  Trust no great inconvenience has been suffered and looking forward to greater things in motorsports development for 2008.
Be reminded that Club night meeting will be held tonight Wednesday January 15, 2008 startingat 8:00 p.m at Curphy Place. Event happenings and plans for 2008 racing calendar will be discussed at this meeting so please come out and let your voices be heard.  

2008 Fee Structure 

Please be advised of the following events fee structure and associated costs. 


JMMC Membership fee: $3,000.00 


Competition Licenses: 

JMMC Provisional:   $2,500.00 

JMMC National:   $3,500.00 

JMMC International:   $5,000.00 

JKA Kid Kart:   $100.00 

JKA Junior:    $500.00 

JKA Senior Provisional:  $2,000.00 

One day license:   $500.00 (see below for applicable conditions) 

ß JKA Kid, JKA Junior & JKA Senior Provisional license are valid for Karting ONLY. 

ß A JMMC Provisional license is valid for Drivers in Dexterities and Sprints only and Rookie drivers in Circuit can only 

complete their first year on a JMMC Provisional license. 

ß A JMMC National license is the minimum license requirement for all Drivers in Rallies & Circuit events. To be 

considered eligible to drive in Rallies a competitor must have safely and successfully completed 3 Speed events 

(Dexterity is not a speed event) 

ß Please note also that all JMMC members competing in the Dexterity Series will require a JMMC Provisional license 

as one day permits will only be issued for Dexterity #1and thereafter to Non-JMMC members only. 


Event Sanctioning fee:  

Drags, Sprints, Rallies:  $20,000.00 

Dexterities:   $10,000.00 (for JMMC Championship Events) 


Event Entry fees: 

Dexterities:   $1,500.00 

Sprints & Circuit:  $3,000.00 

Local Rallies:   $10,000.00 (this doesn’t apply to Rally Jamaica) 


Insurance for events may be subject to change based on requirements from Insurers however for the moment the fees 

are as follows: 

Dexterities & Sprints:  $12,500.00 + GCT 

Local Rallies:   $1,500.00 + GCT per competitor (this doesn’t apply to Rally Jamaica) 

Drag Events:  $40,000.00 + GCT 


Timing Equipment rental is $5,000.00 per event. 


Published by: Marcia Dawes –Lamey  

Jamaica Millennium Motoring Club  

691 Spanish Town Road; Kingston 11 

Telefax: 876 764-9904; Cell: 876 322-7988