February 23, 2025


This event is sanctioned by the Jamaica Millennium Motoring Club (JMMC) and held under the present Code and under the Present Motor Sports Rules and Regulations of the JMMC for 2008.  This event is open to all members in good standing of the JMMC and its affiliate clubs.

Permit #:                                JMR2008-30

Name of Event:                      TRU JUICE JMMC BOG WALK Gravel Stages Rally

Type of Event:                        Loose Gravel Stages rally with Pace Notes – competitive stage                                                mileage – 55 km, Transit – 78 km.

Date of Event:                        Sunday October 12, 2008.

Entry fee:                    $10,000.00 (inclusive of insurance) up to 10/10/2008 @ 4:00 p.m.  

$12,000 for entries received after & up to 12/10/2008 @ 8:30 a.m. payable to Jamaica Millennium Motoring Club

Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the Organizer


Entries Open:            Wednesday October 8, 2008 to:

Jamaica Millennium Motoring Club        Marc Evans

c/o Tank-Weld equip. Building                 AMJ Auto  Ltd

Ferry Industrial Terrace,                            6 Westminster Road, Kingston 8

Mandela Highway, Kingston 20               Tel: 929-0522

Tel. 934-1288                                             

Entries close:             Friday October 10, 2008 @ 4:00 p.m.



Organizer:                  Marc Evans (381-0883)

Secretary:                  Judith Henriques (878-2514)

Chief Stewards:                    Russell Capleton

Stewards:                   Sean Williams, Michael Bisnott

Clerk of the Course:  Lawrence Henriques (382-4219)

Opening Marshall:     Errol Anderson (816-9683)

Closing Marshall:      Robert Thelwell (565-9066)

Sweep                                    4X4 Club

Scrutineer:                 Ian Webb (854-3466), Leroy Simpson (854-3466)

Chief Scorer:             Andrew Robinson (383-1577)

Medical Officer:                     Drs. F. Pencle

Ambulance:                Gentle Care Ambulance Services

Insurers:                      Thwaites, Finson & Sharp et.al


Registration               Sunday October 12, 2008 from 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. @ Tru Juice Sports Club

Technical Inspection:          Sunday October 12, 2008 from 7:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. @ Tru Juice Sports Clubs, Bog Walk, St. Catherine

Drivers Meeting:                    Sunday October 12, 2008 @ 9:10 a.m. Tru Juice Sports Clubs

Start Time:                 Sunday October 12, 2008 @ 9:30 a.m.

Results (Provisional):            Available 1hour after last cars enters final MTC.

Timing:                       Targa Card from end of stage to TC



JMMC Competition License for 2008 MUST be presented at registration & scrutineering.  Failure to comply will result in exclusion.  All drivers are required to have at least a JMMC National Competition License.


ALL Forced induction cars MUST have the required JMMC restrictor seal in place.

Competitors without or whose access is restricted must make arrangements to fit

seals prior to the event.


Route Books will be issued on submission of completed entry form accompanied

with payment of entry fees.


**Pace Noting will only be allowed on Saturday October 11, 2008, between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:00 pm**

Penalties could include exclusion from the Rally.


Special Note:

The JMMC timing equipment, once employed, will be the sole arbiter of a pick start;

The penalty will be as per JMMC rally rules, 1 Minute.


This event will form part of the Spot Valley Million Dollar Series and TEAMS will be

scored as per the outlined regulations for the series as published July 2008.

**An entry is not considered complete unless a properly completed rally entry form as well as full payment is submitted.**