February 23, 2025

July 17, 2012

Dear Members:

The JMMC Annual General Meeting & Elections will be held on Saturday September 15, 2012 at the Liguanea Club, Knutsford Blvd, Kingston 5 starting at 6p.m.

Please be advised that nominations for officers to form the next Executive Committee for the JMMC to hold office for 2013-2014 are now open. ONLY PAID UP MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO make Nominations and/or to be nominated for positions to the new committee.

Nominations will remain open until Saturday September 15, 2012, until the closing of nominations as called by the meeting Chairman.

Nominations are to be submitted in writing to the JMMC office at Tank Weld Equipment Building, Ferry Industrial Terrace, Mandela Hwy, Kingston 20 or send in via email addressed to Ms. Nicole Thompson at jamotoringclub@gmail.com. Emails with nomination should read in the subject line “Nomination JMMC Board 2012-2014”. You can also send in your nominations via fax to 934-1288.

Trusting that you will be so guided


Marcia Dawes-Lamey

JMMC Executive Secretary