February 23, 2025

Dear Club Members,
RE: Technical Regulations Meeting
The Technical Regulations Committee wishes to convene a meeting of members on Wednesday September 11th, 2013 6:30pm at a venue to be announced. The purpose of the meeting will be to introduce a draft of the proposed rules changes and solicit the views of members in this regard. The draft of the proposed changes are supplied on page 2 for review in advance of the meeting


Charles Chen
Technical Regulations Committee

For the 2014/2015 race season proposed rule changes are listed below. This list is short and simple and reflects the intention of the TRC to write regulations that are clear and concise. The intent of the proposed changes is to encourage more competitive and inclusive racing and at the same time keep costs down. This will be achieved by:
• Making the Classes more distinct so as to discourage the use of Race Cars for more that one class. Restructuring the Race Format, which is an integral part of achieving this result. If one wishes to race in more than one class, then maybe one should have more that one Race Car.
• Introduce a “Grandfather Provision”. This allows for rules to be written without consideration of the current field of cars but considers them after changes are made.

Race format
Thundersport Class: 3 races of 8 laps each
Modified Production (MP) Class: 3 races of 7 laps each; All classes race together
Improved Production (IP) Class: 3 races of 6 laps each; All classes race together
Bracket 45 Class: 3 races 5 laps each; All classes race together
All Race Series will be run with second race reverse grid.

Bracket 45 Class
DOT not less than 140 treadwear or equivalent rating tyres.
No Slicks allowed

Improved Production Class
DOT not less than 100 treadwear or equivalent tyres
No Slicks Allowed
No more bracket racing
Class definition will mirror MP but with higher weight and more OEM components requirements.

Modified Production Class
The weight factors will be increased to better reflect the current and future stock of Race Cars.
8 Slick Tyres per weekend.
No Tube Frame Cars Allowed.

Thundersport (Open) Class
Lower weight factors
No tyre restrictions
Grandfather Provision:
Any car that raced on or before October 21st 2013 MAY be eligible for class exemption.